Wednesday, March 1, 2017

April Showers Bring May...

Flowers Rain Rot!

Yes, that “fungus among us” can happen faster than you think!  In the early stages, you may be able to feel the scabs under his coat as small bumps, or see small matted tufts of hair.  Underneath the scabs, which can be easily scraped off, the skin is often pink and raw, and then becomes gray and dry as it heals. 

If your horse doesn't have a shelter from the rain or, like 90% of his equine kinfolk, he refuses to use that $1500 shelter you built him for that very reason, he's prone to developing a skin fungus.  But just being exposed to rain alone isn't the cause.  Being immunocompromised, poor health, poor coat condition (for lack of grooming) and stress can all be contributors.  

Here are a few tips to help stop it from happening:
1) keep your horse dry
2) allow several hours of sunshine each day
3) if wet, get them dry as soon as possible 
4) minimal bathing in cool weather as it takes so long to dry
5) use an antifungal shampoo if you do bathe him

If your horse already has a fungus, here are a few ways to treat it:
1) antifungal shampoo and over the counter sprays
2) rotate a spray of 50/50 iodine and water, another with 50/50 Listerine and water
3) sunshine full time
4) body clip the area to help treat it and keep it medicated
5) if the fungus is real bad, ask your Veterinarian for a prescription of Griseofulvin, an oral paste 

We wish you and your horse a fungus-free spring!